Friday / 24 June 2022

NASA Adds Lunar Flashlight & Trailblazer to IM-1/2 Manifests, Studying Moon Fission

6U, 14kg JPL cubesat Lunar Flashlight, formerly to launch with Artemis 1, now riding with CLPS mission Intuitive Machines-1 scheduled for 22 Dec 2022 launch; Flashlight to scout for water ice with 4 near-IR lasers while demonstrating ‘green’ propellant AF-M315E; 200kg Lunar Trailblazer moved from IMAP rideshare NET 2025 to IM-2, scheduled for mid-2023 launch; Trailblazer to utilize HVM3 spectrometer based on M3, with sufficient resolution to identify hydroxl vs molecular water, and Lunar Thermal Mapper; IX (IM + X-Energy) teamed with Maxar & Boeing to study lunar nuclear power, receiving $5M DOE award for ~1 year study along with Lockheed Martin, Westinghouse awardees

Credits: NASA, IM, JPL, Caltech

Friday / 17 June 2022

Chang’e-5 Analyses Determine Hydroxyl / Helium-3 Prevalence, Astrobotic Working on Lunar Night Power

In-situ & laboratory analysis of Chang’e-5 samples by NAOC-CAS show 28.5 ppm OH content in soil / up to 179 ppm within apatite-containing rock samples; Separate study at Nanjing University finds 5-25nm Helium-3 bubbles trapped in surface layer of ilmenite particles, estimates 260,000t 3He may be contained on Moon, sufficient quantity in theory to power Earth for 2600 years; Astrobotic partnering with WiBotic, Bosch to develop wireless charging system capable of enduring -118° to 104°C temp during 14-Earth day lunar night

Credits: NAOC-CAS, Astrobotic, Qian Xuesen Laboratory of Space Technology, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 3-6 June 2022

Summer Around the Moon: 3 Orbiters May Embark as NASA Funds New Private Sector Lunar R&D

NASA CAPSTONE targeting 13-22 June launch window; KARI Danuri set for 2 Aug, NASA Artemis 1 team working to achieve WDR 19 June then NET Aug launch; Vessels are bound for ~1,609×70,006km NRHO, elliptical 100km polar orbit, and 100×61,155km DRO respectively; NASA PRISM science proposals Lunar-VISE (investigation of Gruithuisen Domes), LEIA (study of yeast exposed to lunar environment) to receive CLPS task orders for launch circa 2026; NASA SSTR awarding US$150K to Air Company Holdings / NYU for development of RP-1 production process using only CO2 / H2; NASA Break the Ice Lunar Challenge phase 2 distributing $3M for water harvesting tech

Credits: NASA, KARI

Tuesday / 17 May 2022

Breakthrough for ISRU Moon Agriculture as Plants Germinate in Lunar Regolith for 1st Time

12-g Moon samples collected during Apollo 11, 12, 17 utilized by 3 researchers at UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences demonstrate viability of lunar regolith as growing medium; Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) seeds germinated at “rates close to 100%” within 48-60 hours, similar to control group with volcanic ash substrate; Regolith-grown plants were affected by higher differentially expressed gene rate which study authors attribute to solar wind, cosmic radiation effects, abundance of iron oxides; Outcomes varied by sample location with Apollo 17 most robust

Pictured: Study authors (L) Robert Ferl, (R) Anna-Lisa Paul
Credits: UF / IFAS / Tyler Jones

Friday / 18 February 2022

Precision Technology for Landing Within Shadowed Regions of Moon Surface Sought by NASA

Nighttime Precision Landing Challenge No. 1 offers ≤US$650,000/ea for 3 proposals on lunar landing sensing systems designed to function absent light from ≥250m altitude – a common condition especially in Moon polar regions rich in volatiles such as hydrogen, oxygen, water termed Permanently Shadowed Regions, cold traps on crater floors that are seldom / never illuminated; Hardware such as optical, radar and lidar sensors coupled with machine learning software are likely approaches to challenge; Submissions accepted until 19 May 17:00 PDT

Credits: NASA, Masten, Astrobotic

Tuesday / 25 January 2022

Hawai’i Planetary Scientists & Engineers Work to Characterize Lunar Moisture, Develop Basalt ISRU Building Technique

In Situ Detection of Water on the Moon by the Chang’e-5 Lander, a collaborative research effort between Shuai Li of University of Hawaii Mānoa and Honglei Lin, Rui Xu of Chinese Academy of Sciences details Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer data taken from ~1.4 m elevation at Chang’e-5 landing site (43.06°N, 51.92°W), finding <120 ppm water content in regolith; PISCES advancing basalt sintering process under NASA STTR phase 1 funding co-awarded with Masten, may build prototype extruder under phase 2 with goal of ISRU on Moon



Friday / 20 August 2021

Break the Ice Lunar Challenge to Fund 13 USA Groups Advancing ISRU

Proposals for excavation / conveyance of ice-containing regolith from Moon Permanently Shadowed Regions, supporting long-duration human activity receiving US$500k through NASA Centennial Challenge; Redwire Space (Jacksonville FL) receives first place / $125k for Lunar Regolith Excavator (L-Rex) and Lunar Transporter (L-Tran); Colorado School of Mines (Golden CO) second place / $75k for Lunar Ice Digging System (LIDS); Austere Engineering (Littleton CO) third place / $50k; PRIME-1 ice drill to be delivered on CLPS IM-2, Q4 2022; CNSA Chang’e-6 to retrieve MSP sample 2024


Credits: NASA, Redwire, Colorado School Of Mines

Thursday / 12 August 2021

Molecular Water on Moon Surface Confirmed by Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter

Researchers with Indian Institute of Remote Sensing and U.R. Rao Satellite Centre, divisions of ISRO, confirm presence of lunar water H2O) in Current Science paper; Previous measurements taken during Chandrayaan-1 with Moon Mineralogy Mapper definitively prove existence of Hydroxyl (HO) but unable to differentiate from water; Imaging Infrared Spectrometer, with spectral range 0.8–5.0 μm in circular 100-km orbit since Sep 2019, provides clear evidence of H2O, varying by region with concentration in upper latitudes

Credits: ISRO, NASA

Tuesday / 13 Apr 2021

NASA Viper Mission Leveraging Open-Source Software & Off-The-Shelf Hardware To Advance Moon And Mars Exploration

VIPER Water-Seeking Moon Rover Mission Set For 2023 To Utilize Crowdsourced Programming And Retail Computing Options Favored For Low Overhead, Interoperability, Widespread Familiarity; VIPER Deputy Lead Terry Fong Tells MIT Technology Review Open Source Enables His Team To More Quickly “Take Advances From The Research World And Put It Into Flight” And That The Negligible Time Lag To Moon Makes Utilization Of Commercially Available Hardware “Not Limited By Radiation, Hard Flight [Ratings]” Possible; Mars Helicopter Ingenuity Is Set To Run Popular Operating System Linux On Mars Flight NET 14 Apr; NASA Hosts A Slew Of Mission Planning Software Available To Interested Parties Worldwide

Credits: NASA

Tuesday / 23 Mar 2021

Astrobotic Griffin Lander Mockup Undergoing VIPER Integration Testing At Johnson Space Center

Full Scale Prototype Of Astrobotic Medium Payload Capacity (475kg) Lunar Lander, Griffin, Being Evaluated For Fitment With Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, Special Attention Being Paid To Surface Deployability Via 20° Foldable Ramps; Flight Ready Version Of Griffin To Possess Landing Accuracy Within 100m And Hazard Detection Threshold Of 15cm Enabled By Avionics Suite Including LIDAR, DOPLER, Star Tracking, Inertial Measurement And Vision-Based Algorithmic Navigation; Agile Space Industries Providing Attitude Control System Comprised Of Seven A110 Thrusters), Five 3.1kN F500E Main Engines By Frontier Aerospace

Credits: Astrobotic, NASA