Wednesday / 26 August 2015

Lunar Fire Fountains Fueled By Carbon Monoxide According To Brown Researchers

LED 082615Brown University Researchers Revisiting Glass Collected By Apollo 15 & 17 Astronauts Suggest Moon And Earth Volatile Reservoirs Share Common Origins; Carbon & Oxygen Forms Carbon Monoxide, Mixing With Basaltic Lava To Spew Quick-Cooling Droplets Of Green And Orange Glass; Recent Analysis Reveals H2O & Carbon Concentrations Decrease Near Center, Indicating Degassing; Brown’s Alberto Saal States, “Either Some Of Earth’s Volatiles…Were Included In The Accretion Of The Moon Or…Were Delivered To Both The Earth And Moon At The Same Time From A Common Source.”

Credit:  NASA, Brown University

Friday / 14 August 2015

LEAG Extends Abstract Due Date To 14 Aug, Team Preparing For 2015 Annual Meeting

LEAG 2015Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Annual Meeting 20-22 Oct In Columbia MD; Chaired By (L-R) Clive Neil, Supported By Sam Lawrence (ASU), Jeff Plescia (JHU/APL), Steve Mackwell (LPI) & Representatives For LRO, ESA, ARTEMIS, Commercial Space, Next-Gen Lunar Scientists & Engineers; Recent Findings / Recommendations Include Resource Prospecting At Lunar Poles & Interior, Advancing Lunar CubeSats, Maintaining Moon Missions / Pace Of Discovery To Support International Partnerships, Technologies, Future Crewed Missions To Moon & Mars

Credit: NASA, LEAG, C. Neil, JPL/Caltech, ASU, LPI