Friday / 7 January 2022

MIT Researchers Investigating Electrostatic / Ion Propulsion Concept for Moon and Asteroid Exploration

With current propulsion technologies capable of operation in atmosphere-free environments limited to chemical rockets and ground-based locomotion, MIT supported by NASA is pioneering novel technique harnessing electrical charge found on such bodies via repulsive effect of Mylar; Initial experiments published in AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets suggest with micro ion booster augmentation sufficient lift to raise a 0.9kg craft 1cm can be achieved; Levitation technique would allow traversing otherwise impassable “very rough, unexplored terrain” per study co-author Paulo Lozano (B)

Also pictured: Oliver Jia-Richards (T); Credits: MIT

Friday / 3 December 2021

Long-theorized Planetary Hopper Concept to be Tested on Lunar Surface NET Q4 2022

Seeking to overcome range constraints of single-landing craft and speed limitations of ground rovers, international science engineering teams utilizing computer modelling promote alternative rocket ‘hopper’ concept first used on Lunar surface during Surveyor 6 (1967) and Pogo-stick style locomotion; NASA CLPS lunar lander provider Intuitive Machines is to carry Micro-Nova, capable of traversing 2.4km with 900 gram payload capacity, on IM-2 mission near Shackleton Rim; Micro-Nova may allow investigation of otherwise inaccessible PSRs, thought to contain water ice

Credits: NASA, Intuitive Machines

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 29 Oct – 1 Nov 2021

Artemis Era Robotic / Human Moon Vehicles Being Designed and Manufactured Internationally

NASA to construct its first autonomous Moon rover, VIPER, at JSC late 2022, with landing near Nobile Crater NET late 2023; VIPER weighs 450kg with 0.75 kp/h top speed at total cost of US$433.5M; <$500K Carnegie Mellon University 2kg micro-rover Iris, is launch ready; $37.6M Australia rover launching NET 2026; Custom fabricator Hookie of Germany / Russia designer Andrew Fabishevskiy will display Tardigrade concept Moon motorcycle at ADV: Overland in LA; Japan and USA industry including Toyota / General Motors in planning stages of pressurized and unpressurized crewed vehicles

Credits: Hookie, IAC, NASA, CMU, Toyota, Lockheed Martin

Friday / 8 October 2021

Spacebit Aims to Restore Ukraine as Space Leader via International Commercial Moon Missions

CEO Pavlo Tanasyuk indicates UK company Spacebit will plant Ukraine national flag on Moon, held aloft by Ukrainian-mined titanium pole along with radiation and thermal sensors; Comments given during National Day at Expo 2020 Dubai (a 182-day event hosted on 4.4 km2 grounds in UAE) were unclear on which lander will be booked for mission, with Astrobotic to deliver 1.4-kg Asagumo walking rover on Peregrine and unspecified Spacebit payload on Intuitive Machines IM-1; Both CLPS providers striving for Q1 2022 launch

Credits: World Expo 2020 Dubai, Spacebit, Wikipedia

Friday / 24 September 2021

Location West of Nobile Crater Near MSP to be Site of NET 2023 VIPER Mission

93km2 area between Nobile (85.2°S, 53.5°E) and Malapert craters 137km from Moon South Pole to be site of Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) mission, selection based on criteria including sunlight availability, Earth visibility / communication, likelihood of finding water and navigable terrain, winnowed from 15 considered sites and 4 finalists; 100-day nominal mission expected to traverse 16-24km while utilizing TRIDENT drill and 3 sensors, launch Q4 2023 on SpaceX Falcon 9 / Astrobotic Griffin under US$199.5M CLPS contract

Credits: NASA

Tuesday / 14 September 2021

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Invests US$20M for Development of Advanced Lunar Tech

5 USA companies engaged in Artemis-related engineering bolstered by $2.5-5M SBIR/STTR Sequential Phase 2 awards for maturation of technologies to aid sustainable exploration of Moon; Troxel Aerospace (Gainesville FL) investigating technique allowing use of Off-The-Shelf avionics in radioactive environment; Motiv Space (Pasadena CA) working on electric actuators to drive rovers/landers/robots on Moon and Mars; Alameda Applied Sciences (Oakland CA) building deep space smallsat propulsion; Advanced Cooling Technologies (Lancaster PA) and Ashwin-Ushas (Marlboro NJ) developing vehicle thermal regulation for exploration of PSRs


Credits: NASA, Troxel, Motiv,  AASC, Ashwin-Ushas, ACT

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 26 Feb – 1 Mar 2021

Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Passes Review, Enters Final Design Phase

NASA Moon Rover VIPER Meets Risk, Cost And Schedule Constraints Of ‘Key Decision Point C’ Internal Assessment, Clearing Way For Operational Planning And Construction; 1.5×1.5×2.5m, 430kg Vehicle To Be Built At JSC With Instrument Input From KSC / Honeybee Robotics, Managed From Ames Research Center, Is To Land Late 2023 Via Astrobotic Griffin In MSP Region For ~100 Day Mission During Which 1-Meter TRIDENT Drill And 3 Spectrometers Will Be Controlled With Little Lag From Earth Through X Band / Deep Space Network As Volatile-Seeking Mission Traverses 20km

Credits: NASA

Friday / 8 Jan 2021

PISCES Invites Researchers To Utilize Hawai’i Landscape As Lunar Sandbox, Advances ISRU Materials Science

Opportunity To Test Technologies Meant For Moon Offered By PISCES Through Hawaii Analog for Lunar Operations (H4LO) Program Located In Hawaii Ocean Science and Technology (HOST) Park Near Kailua-Kona; 326-kg Helelani Rover, Built By Ontario Drive And Gear, Is Operable In-Person Or Remotely Via Broadband Worldwide; HOST Sits On 870 Acres Recently Covered In Lava, Providing Excellent Analog To Moon / Mars Surface; Basalt Sintering Technique Progressing With Addition Of Binding Agent, Lunar And Terrestrial Applications Being Considered While Further Development Funding Sought

Credits: PISCES, ODG


Tuesday / 1 Sep 2020

“Lunar Cruiser” Moniker For Moon Surface Transport Announced By Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency And Toyota

A Lunar Vehicle Capable Of Both Autonomous And Crewed Function, Powered By Hybrid Hydrogen Fuel Cells / Solar Panel, Receives Nickname Homage To Venerable ‘Land Cruiser’ Line Of Off-Road Vehicles Said To Ensure Occupants ‘Come Back Alive’; The 6-wheeled, 6-meter Long Vessel Is To Contain 42.67 Meter2 Pressurized Crew Cabin And Have Range Of ~10,000-km, About The Circumference Of The Moon; Lunar Cruiser Considered Focal Point For Team Japan Study Meeting, A 100+ Strong Association Of Japan Enterprises With Goal Of Lunar Society Actualization

Credits: JAXA, Toyota, Team Japan Study Meeting

Friday / 17 July 2020

NASA JPL Miniaturized Payload Concept Contest Advances Lunar Exploration Technology

Lunar Surface Innovation Initiative Awards US$160K Through ‘Honey I Shrunk The Payload’ Competition; Design Parameters Constrain Surface Probes To Mass Of 0.4kg, Physical Dimensions Of 100mm x 100mm x 50mm; 14 International Teams And Individuals Selected From 132 Entries; Team Sun Slicers Led By Phil Jobson Takes Lunar Environment Category 1st Place ($30K) For XRAY Spectrometer, Puli Space Technologies Led By (L-R) David Lucsanyi And Tibor Pacher Wins 1st In Resource Potential Category For Lunar Water Snooper ($30K); Crowdsourcing Platform HeroX, Created By Peter Diamandis, Utilized Throughout Contest

Credits: NASA, Puli Space Technologies, Team Sun Slicers, HeroX, Team Stardust, Monash Nova Rover Team