Tuesday / 9 April 2024

NASA Tasked with Development of Lunar Time Standard NLT 31 Dec 2026

As Moon mission cadence continues to grow, and in recognition of gravity-induced spacetime dilation resulting in 58.7-μs offset from Earth, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is directing NASA (with Commerce, Defense, State, Transportation departments) to define and implement time reference frames for non-Earth celestial bodies, beginning with Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) in support of Moon surface and cislunar activity; Elements to be considered by National Cislunar Science & Technology sub-Interagency Working Group (NASA + National Space Council) include: Traceability to UTC, Accuracy for PNT, Resilience when out of Earth contact, and Scalability for bodies beyond Earth-Moon system

Pictured: OSTP Director Arati Prabhakar; Credits: NASA, T. Pyle/Caltech/MIT/LIGO Lab

Tuesday / 5 March 2024

Blue Origin and SpaceX Compete to Realize 21st Century Human Moon Landings

Senior VP of Lunar Permanence at Blue Origin John Koulouris says ‘country needs competition’ which brings ‘innovation’ in CBS interview; Blue Moon Mark 1 lander expected to complete 2 demonstration landings NLT 2026 prior to Artemis 5 mission NET 2029 in which human-rated variant to carry 2 crewmembers from Gateway to lunar surface under $3.4B contract; SpaceX working to achieve launch of Starship, slated to deliver 2 crew from Orion in lunar orbit to Moon surface during Artemis 3 NET July 2026 under US$2.89B contract and again for Artemis 4 NET Sep 2028 under US$1.15B contract; IFT-3 expected to launch mid-March following successful WDR of Booster 10 / Ship 28

Credits: Blue Origin, SpaceX, NASA

Friday / 9 Feb 2024

Lunar Mining Company Interlune Plans NET 2026 Surface Operations

Interlune of Tacoma WA developing equipment to extract resources from Moon with US$18.19M funds including $246,000 SBIR Phase I grant; Led by former Blue Origin leaders (L-R) Rob Meyerson (CEO), Gary Lai (CTO) and Indra Hornsby (COO, formerly of Rocket Lab), Interlune is reported by TechCrunch to be targeting helium-3 (3He), a resource long considered for radiation-free fusion power and other medical and computing applications whose quantity was measured in Chang’E-5 samples; The company projects the market for 3He will be 4,000 kg / yr by 2040

Credits: Interlune, US Congress, Twitter / @blueorigin, UVic / Brandon Hill

Tuesday / 16 Jan 2024

Peregrine Set for Controlled Reentry into Earth Atmosphere as Astrobotic Works to Collect Data from Payloads

Now ~350,837 km from Earth, Peregrine Moon lander on 8th day of operation in cislunar space is in stable condition with propellant leak ‘practically stopped‘ as Astrobotic and USA government agencies work to determine trajectory for Earth reentry expected NET 18 Jan, although Astrobotic reserves right to determine final flight path independently; 10 payloads continue to receive power despite inability to conduct long duration corrective maneuvers; Joint press conference with NASA discussing mission set for 18 Jan 12:00 EST, which may shed light on Dynetics-built propulsion system valve anomaly

Credits: Astrobotic

Tuesday / 5 Dec 2023

Lunar Surface Science Workshop Focuses on Artemis Orbital Observations

LSSW Virtual Session 21, organized by Lunar and Planetary Institute and Universities Space Research Association, to be convened virtually by (L-R) Kelsey Young of NASA GSFC 5 Dec; Young along with Artemis 3 science lead Noah Petro to give update on Artemis 2 followed by Q&A moderated by LPI lunar geologist Julie Stopar; Reflections on imaging from LRO, Apollo missions, ISS, Orion / Artemis 1 to be considered for future lunar orbit-based science; Workshop to conclude with group discussions on crewed science objectives and observation strategies

Credits: NASA, LPI

Tuesday / 3 Oct 2023

Artemis and ILRS Scientists and Engineers Working to Design Human Moon Habitats

Supported by US$57.2M NASA SBIR phase 3 award, ICON of Austin TX developing Project Olympus construction system using additive 3D printer and lunar materials as in-situ feedstock; ICON is refining process by building for homes unhoused individuals at Community First! Village, with 400 printed to date; ICON also constructing 2,601-m2 Materials Exploration and Advanced Materials Processing Facility at University of North Dakota with Stantec of Edmonton AB; Chinese Society of Astronautics and Harbin Institute of Technology conducting lunar base design competition ending Feb 2024; Zhang Chongfeng of Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology proposing lunar lava tubes be utilized

Credits: ICON

Friday / 18 Aug 2023

International Lunar Year Being Fostered by US State Department as DARPA Advances 10-Year Lunar Architecture

US Department of State, led by Secretary Antony Blinken and Acting Deputy Secretary Victoria Nuland, is hosting high level discussions on the launch of an International Lunar Year (ILY), modeled on International Geophysical Year (1957-58), International Space Year (1992), International Polar Year (2007-08); Called for in US National Cislunar Science & Technology Strategy, an ILY would coordinate international developments in Moon studies, specifically geophysical networks, heliophysics and far-side radio astronomy; 1 July 2027 — 31 Dec 2028 suggested by Bobby Braun of JHUAPL; DARPA offering ≤US$1M for commercial lunar service plans under LunA-10 program, winners to be announced at LSIC 10-11 Oct

Friday / 28 July 2023

Nokia on Track for 4G Cellular Communication Technology for Future Moon, Mars Missions NET 2024

Planning to brave unexplored conditions of Moon south pole Shackleton crater, Nokia Bell Labs (subsidiary of Finland parent company) intends to provide first-ever lunar 4G/LTE cellular internet technology via NASA Tipping Point award and in partnership with Intuitive Machines; IM-2 Nova-C lander will host space-hardened version of 4G/LTE microcell base station unit while 2 lunar vehicles (Lunar Outpost Rover and IM Micro-Nova Hopper) will host radio frequency antennae; IM-2 mission to launch from KSC on SpaceX Falcon 9 NET 2024, plan to provide critical communication networks for future crewed Artemis and robotic missions

Credits: Intuitive Machines, Nokia Bell Labs, NASA

Tuesday / 18 July 2023

Chandrayaan-3 Operating Nominally as its Orbit is Raised in Preparation for Trans-Lunar Injection

ISRO is working to conduct next raising maneuver of Chandrayaan-3, which is currently maintaining 41,603 km x 226 km orbit; Apogee firing to occur 17 July between 14:00-15:00 IST will be 3rd of 5 such maneuvers prior to TLI, which is set for 31 July, followed by ~5.5-day transfer and Lunar Orbit Insertion around 5 Aug; Propulsion Module to maintain 100 x 100 km circular orbit while Vikram lander containing Pragyan rover to descend to MSP area surface from 100 x 30km lunar orbit

Credits: ISRO

Tuesday / 4 April 2023

2-Day Online Lunar Surface Science Workshop First Steps in a Bold New Era of Human Discovery to Consider Candidate Artemis III Landing Sites

Organized by (L-R) JSC planetary scientist Samuel Lawrence and Artemis 3 project scientist Noah Petro of GSFC, supported by LPI & USRA, LSSW 19 to showcase latest research into scientific viability of 13 prospective Artemis III landing sites within 6° of MSP; Comments to be given by NASA SMD Deputy Associate Administrator Sandra Connelly, SpaceX Director of Crew Starship engineering Eduardo Velazquez, Apollo 17 Astronaut Harrison Schmitt on 4 April; Sessions devoted to Malapert, DeGerlache, Haworth and DeGerlache-Kocher Massif, Faustini and Shackleton regions to be held 5 April

Credits: NASA, LinkedIn