Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 5-8 Nov 2021

Kamala Harris Speaks on “Opportunity of Space”, Sets 1 Dec National Space Council Meeting

USA VP Harris gives remarks 5 Nov at NASA GSFC in Greenbelt MD, research lab responsible for world-class Earth observation Landsat mission; As National Space Council Chair, Harris announced inaugural session of term 1 Dec, alluding to “comprehensive framework for space priorities” pending announcement; Climate change mitigation, beneficial technology transfer, commercial viability, security themes addressed; Historical invocations of first USA spaceflight by Alan Shepard, fellow Democrats JFK / LBJ, and 12 Moonwalkers followed by closing statement “While exploration of space defined 20th Century, the opportunity of space will define 21st Century”

Credits: NASA, Twitter

Tuesday / 12 October 2021

Administrators Bill Nelson and Pam Melroy to Share NASA Updates from Ames Research Center

Space-based technology and techniques with applicability to Earth climate and airspace management will be discussed 12 October at NASA Silicon Valley facility; Approach to coordination of wildfire fighting, Scalable Traffic Management for Emergency Response Operations (STEReO), and air traffic control Airspace Technology Demonstration-2 (ATD-2) to be presented; VP Kamala Harris, leader of agenda-setting National Space Council, may take opportunity to advance space priorities including Artemis first woman / person of color on Moon

Pictured (clockwise): NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy, Vice President Kamala Harris; Credits: ILOA, Wikipedia, NASA

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 1-4 Oct 2021

World Space Week 2021: Looking Toward First Woman on the Moon, International Cooperation in Space

UN-declared commemoration of Sputnik-1 (4 Oct 1964) and Outer Space Treaty (10 Oct 1967) commences next week with Women in Space theme, during a new era of space and lunar exploration with revitalized 21st Century goals to land the First Women and People of Color on the Moon; 8,000+ events across nearly 100 countries to occur, supported by organizations including Space Foundation, International Astronomical Union, SETI Institute, UNOOSA, Philippine Space Agency, European Space Education Resource Office, and Phoenix Space

Credits: WSW, Roscosmos, UN

Friday / 1 October 2021

NASA warns lawsuit over Human Landing System award threatens to derail human Moon landings

Agency Report issued in response to HLS protest, newly released to The Verge via FOIA request, show NASA warns cancellation of the Artemis program may result from litigious proceedings, stating “once-in-a-generation momentum” risks “goal of returning the United States to the Moon”; US$146M NextSTEP N award to be shared by Blue Origin, Lockheed Martin Northrop Grumman, SpaceX and Dynetics to support human missions after Artemis 3; Lunar Exploration Transportation Services contracts or self-financing are routes forward for lunar lander companies wishing to participate on Artemis team

Credits: NASA

Tuesday / 28 September 2021

Masten Space Systems Works to Innovate New Technologies for NET 2023 Moon Landing

Instant (15-sec) lunar landing pad concept in-Flight Alumina Spray Technique (FAST) may save Artemis program US$120M/landing according to Masten CEO Sean Mahoney; Plan calls for lander rocket plume fed with Al2O3 ceramic particles fusing with regolith to create 1-mm thick crust during landing, preventing widespread dust dispersion; Masten continues test program with next-gen Xogdor 0.75 x 8m resuable VTVL rocket; Programming languages developed by AdaCore to be utilized during $75.9M XL-1 Nov 2023 CLPS mission to MSP

Credits: Masten

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 24-27 Sep 2021

University of Arizona Advances Autonomous Lunar Mining under $500K NASA Grant

Engineers at UArizona developing robot swarm mining techniques for lunar application under NASA Minority University Research and Education Project Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) fund; Human and Explainable Autonomous Robotic System (HEART) is collaboration between Moe Momayez (L) of Mining & Geological and Jekan Thanga of Aerospace & Mechanical engineering departments aimed at melding excavation, ISRU, machine learning, economical 3D printing in support of robotic and human exploration; Efforts may be precursor to Von Neumann-style self-replication

Credits: UArizona, Lunar Zebro

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 17-20 Sep 2021

Moon South Pole Landing Site for NASA VIPER Mission to be Revealed Monday

Known to contain molecular water and other useful volatiles per LRO & Chandrayaan / Moon Mineralogy Mapper data, lunar South Pole region exploration is focus of CLPS mission sequence with Intuitive Machines to deliver Prime-1 consisting of Trident 1m drill / MSolo off-the-shelf mass spectrometer to area in Q4 2022 under US$47M contract, Astrobotic to deliver VIPER autonomous rover with same instrument suite late 2023 under $199.5M contract; Landing site selection may have profound implications for human lunar base buildout, with Shackleton, Cabeus, Nobile Craters, Leibniz Plateau, Malapert Mountain being strong contenders

Pictured (L-R): NASA Planetary Science Division Director Lori Glaze, VIPER Project Manager Daniel Andrews, Lead Project Scientist Anthony Colaprete, Deputy Lead Project Scientist Darlene Lim; Credits: LPI, NASA, Wikipedia

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 3-6 Sep 2021

Artemis Generation Explorers, Buoyed by Apollo and Administrator Nelson, to Continue Space Diplomacy Legacy

Leaders at NASA and Roscomos intend to maintain partnership in LEO on ISS, with Administrator Nelson pledging ‘continued cooperation’ and Director General Rogozin characterizing statements to the contrary as ‘problem in interpretation’; While USA is leading Artemis Coalition to Moon and Russia has signed agreement with China to build ILRS, Nelson and Rogozin are to meet in Russia to discuss more broad participation; Lesson plans based on real-world Artemis challenges now available from NASA: Landing Humans on the Moon, Crew Transportation With Orion, Propulsion, Gateway


Pictured: NASA Astronaut Sunita Williams, Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy, Administrator Bill Nelson, Artemis generation students, Credits: NASA

Weekend Edition
Fri-Mon / 27-30 Aug 2021

Artemis Program Poised to Lead Humanity Back to Moon and into Solar System

International Artemis coalition is on track per NASA Administrator Nelson, echoing JFK “We can do hard things”, reiterating 2021 Artemis I timetable uncrewed SLS launch / Orion distant retrograde orbit; Artemis II launching NET September 2023 with first crewed mission beyond LEO since Apollo 17, with 4-member crew including Canadian Astronaut to fly 8,889 km past Moon during 8-day trip; Artemis III 4-member Orion crew + 2-member surface team including first woman on Moon surface; NASA NextSTEP now soliciting commercial HLS for ongoing long duration surface operation


Credits: NASA

Friday / 27 August 2021

Array of CubeSats are Set to Lead Artemis Lunar Science and Exploration

With CLPS robotic surface missions delayed into Q1 2022, the 25-kg, 12U Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) is to kick off Artemis Moon program with Oct launch to 1,600 x 70,000km near rectilinear halo orbit via Rocketlab Electron, with goal of proving orbital stability ahead of Gateway by positioning relative to LRO; Artemis 1 launching NET Nov 26 to validate SLS / Orion while dispersing 13 cubesats from Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage in 4 batches following trans-lunar injection, allowing wide range of cislunar trajectories


Credits: NASA, Boeing, Masten